The image of the lady is cutout and placed in the background. Bubbles is added and color of the composition image is changed to get the final output. Image Source: Blickart
The image of the lady is cutout and placed in the background. Bubbles is added and color of the composition image is changed to get the final output. Image Source: Blickart
Three different images of player is cutout and placed in new background. The light, color and lens effect is applied to get the final output. Image Source: Testklant
Image of lady and the group image is cutout and composed in new background created in Adobe Photoshop. Light and color has been edited in Adobe Lightroom. Image Source: Toppoint and Remon Menfield
The color of the whole image is edited to give it a retro look focusing on the main product i.e, handbag. Image Source: Handtasshop
The image of the rock climber is cutout and placed in the guitar to give it the look of rock climbing in the guitar. Shadows and colors are adjusted to give it a natural look. Image Source: Ananda Maharjan
The lady and the wine bottle is cutout and placed together in a new background. Reflections, shadows, edited color and lens effect gives the final output. Image Source: Crystal Park and Eifelmosel
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