
Photoshop CC Feature: Shake Reduction

We posted about Intelligent Unsampling earlier, upgraded feature of Photoshop CC. Giving continuity to this, we have come up with the new feature: Shake Reduction on Photoshop CC. As a photographer, we have known many times due to camera shake and vibration our photo wouldn’t be as nice as the result we want. There aren’t always chances to re-photograph in such cases. So Photoshop CC has its added feature ‘Shake Reduction’ for which photographers likely didn’t think possible. Therefore this feature of photoshop CC has become the most advantageous feature for photographer recently. This new feature especially eliminates or at least minimizes the image blurring present if the camera vibrated or was shaken during the exposure. It automatically reduces image

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Intelligent Upsampling in Photoshop CC

Adobe has released CC version of Photoshop with some really exciting new features in it. We will continue posting articles on new features of  CC in coming weeks relevant to our work area. Today let’s check out one of its upgrading feature: Intelligent Upsampling In previous versions of Photoshop, if we needed to convert web version images to printable format then we always had issue on quality level and it required lots of manual adjustments to achieve a compromising quality level. Adobe Photoshop CC has come up with additional feature with solution to this issue. The all new upsampling mode in the Image Size tool (Image > Image Size) enables you to enlarge your photo using the new “Preserve Details”

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Auto script to save layers as files

In many cases, we are required to save different layers as separate files at the end of image processing. Especially, when we are working with group product image, where each product in the image needs to be processed and saved as separate files. In such case, it might be good to save each layer as different files manually when you are working with few files. But just imagine if we are doing same thing for hundreds of group images at the same time. Even saving different layers as separate files can be time consuming task. We can do this process automatically through auto script available in Photoshop CS6. File > Script > Export layer to Files Here is an example

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Creating logo using Photoshop CS6

Photoshop is massively used for photo editing, adding effects and creating graphic designs and web designs. It is better known for its pixel based output. Nevertheless, Photoshop also contains tools to help create logos that can be used for prints and various media platform. We no more have to fear that logo created in Photoshop will lose its quality when enlarged to larger dimension or resolution. Using simple tools of Photoshop CS6, we can easily create vector quality logos. This post will be helpful for ones who don’t possess Illustrator or any other vector based software for such purpose. Let’s take a small jpeg logo image as reference to trace. Following image below is small size image which when enlarged

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Removing blemishes

Everyone using photoshop must have used clone tool, heal tool or patch tool for removing pimples and blemishes. Today we will look at new method that will do the same work in pretty less time. Get an image of a model with needs skin retouche.                                             Duplicate layer and then in the layer palette, change the blending option to “Vivid light” and invert using Image > Adjustment > Invert (Shortcuts: Ctrl + I / Command + I). Then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur. Adjust the value of the blur to the level where blemishes are less

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