Clipping Path

Useful Photoshop shortcuts

Adobe Photoshop CS6 has maintained all the features from the older version and added new features that help users to get better quality in less possible time frame. You might be familiar with all the features but not all shortcuts. Here is the list of useful shortcuts for both Mac and PC to work even faster than clicking through the tools. Tool palette through Shortcuts   Useful shortcuts for other functions: Task Shortcut (Windows) Shortcut (Mac) Draw straight lines. Alt-click with Lasso tool Option-click with Lasso tool Add to the selection outline. Shift-drag Shift-drag Deselect from the selection area. Alt-drag Option-drag Deselect all but the intersected area. Hold down Shift+Alt and drag Hold down Shift+Option and drag Deselect the entire

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Using rubber band option with pen tool

If you don’t use pen tool often in Photoshop, then making path with pen tool can be complex and time consuming cause you won’t know where your next anchor point should be. You might end up wasting lot of time and yet get final path with lot of anchor points with low precision. To avoid this, use Rubber Band option in Photoshop located in the drop down at the right of the Custom shape menu. Enable it and you get the preview how the lines and curves will line up while making selection with path. It makes creating path much easier and faster for anyone.

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Swift method to cutout using Erase tool

The erase tool can be a very helpful tool to cutout images with the same color background. Especially if the image is intended to be used for web and doesn’t need high quality precision. For such images, cutout of images can be done with just a few clicks using this tool. However, if you are looking for a quick solution and require high quality output this is not the right tool. Use of the Magic Eraser Tool: Select the Magic eraser tool, in any part of background. It will do its magic – remove the background color with one click (given image has only one background color). In case of multiple colors, you will need to repeat the process again.

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Moving path along with the image

Image Source: Kleertjes Once path is created in an image, when we move this image; only the image moves not the path. Path remains where it was created originally. Manually moving the path fitting it exactly to the new position of the image is time consuming job. There is an easy solution for this problem. After the path is created, suppose if you have to center align the image; select both image and path layer which needs to be moved. Go to Layer > Vector Mask> Current Path. This will create vector mask in the image layer. Then you can move the image to the new position where required. This will create movement of image as well as the path

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Tips on creating paths for selection

Path is one of the massively use selection option for cutting out images in photoshop.  With the help of pen tool, we can create the outline of the part of  image which needs to be cutout from the background. Here are few tips to learn and enhance your skills using this tool: To make selection using pen tool, always select path option on the properties bar of pen tool palette not the shape layers option. If you wish to add or delete the anchor points to the paths, then this option should be turned on, on the properties bar of the pen tool. While creating path, if user wants to display where the next anchor point will head towards then

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